7 Tips On Excelling In Computer Based Tests (very Brief)
Computer Based Tests are more of speed and smart thinking than it is about knowledge. A typical CBT would be 60 questions for 45 minutes (i.e. 80seconds to each question). These tips would help you excel in any Computer Based Test:
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1. Adequate preparation precedes good performance: Prior to the exam proper, practice extensively with a ticking clock or timer, replicating the same exam conditions.2. Make yourself comfortable first: Pull your seat close to the desk, sit with your back well relaxed on the back rest, place both feet on the ground, clear your desk leaving only the monitor and mouse (keyboards are not really necessary in CBTs) - ensure nothing is in the way. If you are tensed, try to take series of deep breathe and get good ventilation to help you relax. Finally, place your hand firmly on the mouse and click the "Start" button
3. With far less than 2 minutes allocated to each question, be very time conscious: "If you want to know the importance of a second, ask a CBT candidate". Every second counts. Dont dilly-dally, get distracted by happenings around you or day-dream. Go straight to business and be focused
4. Answer the questions you are very sure of and skip the less surer ones: Most times, we may not know the answer to a question until we have thought deeply. If you encounter such a question, skip it IMMEDIATELY and answer the ones you are very sure of. The trick is, you would save more time from the questions you are sure of and expend it on the ones that require sufficient level of reasoning
5. "Scan" through the questions and options: Dont waste your precious time reading word for word. Scan through the questions and options, pick the keywords and decide your answer
6. Use the elimination method: This method involves you, in your mind's eye, immediately eliminating at least 2 options you are quite certain the answer wont be any of. It is very similar to the 50-50 lifeline in WWTBM. With 2 options out of the way, you have succeeded in narrowing your options to just 2 and getting close to the answer
6. The answer tend to be in the middle: According to statistics and experience, examiners tend to put the correct option in the middle. So when left with 2 options and you ABSOLUTELY dont know the answer, it is recommended to choose the middle option